Lessons Learned from Years with
July 13, 2021
When you feel a distressing and prolonged sense of wretchedness and helplessness, you worry too much and anticipate for the worst, you find it hard to carry out routine tasks, or your actions are destructive to you and those around you, then it is time to see a psychologist. This will help you to explore your thinking, behavior, and feelings and make the necessary change. When seeking psychology services, you will realize that so many people are calling themselves psychologists. However, don’t pick any imagining that they are a perfect match. You have to do due diligence in order to select a good psychologist. Explained below are some factors you need to use when examining a psychologist to see if they are a suitable match.
First, look into how experienced a psychologist is. You want to be certain that you aren’t attending sessions with a psychologist and get no help at the end. You need to get the help you need to change the way you think, feel, and act. You should choose a psychologist who’s a broad experience to be sure that he/she has worked with many people hence being aware that even if two people could be seeking help for similar issues, they are different hence devising a personalized approach to your issues. You will also be sure that this psychologist will direct your talk in a way that will help you explore the underlying issues. To be certain about a psychologist’s experience, look into how long they have served and how many referral clients they have.
Secondly, be keen on chemistry. Or any relationship to exist, chemistry must be there. In your case, you need a psychologist you feel at ease with because this will make it easier for you to share as much as you feel is necessary to help pinpoint the causes of your issues. If you feel that you cannot trust a psychologist or you feel condemned talking to him/her, it is time to move away. It is also helpful that a psychologist shows enthusiasm about helping you the moment you approach them. Are they welcoming to the questions you ask and do they respond in a manner you can understand? A good psychologist will have the interest to help you hence giving you their full attention.
Thirdly, ensure you check the credentials. You need to ensure you’re working with experts and not a person who’s just trying to maneuver their way with your issue. By making sure that a psychologist is learned, you’ll be sure that they know the proven methods to use to help explore your issues. In addition, they will be able to listen to you with a third eye, that is, observe if your verbal and non-verbal cues are matching in order to enable you to address the real issues. By ensuring that a psychologist is licensed, you will be sure that they have the needed qualifications and trustworthiness. You can also check any malpractices they have ever taken part in. Ask for the license number and verify with the authorities.